
Wie wär's mal mit

The non-profit organisation Wie wär's mal mit was founded in 2014 and is based in Basel and promotes the cultural scene in Switzerland.

Since July 2024, ‘Klyspace’ has been a space for contemporary art, sound, film and design, curated by Ana Brankovic. The programme takes place in a small space and consists of film screenings, listening sessions, performances, art, readings, a Tiny Bar and networking between the creative protagonists of the temporary use of K024 at Klybeckstrasse 141 in Basel. ‘Klyspace’ is a space organised by the autonomous, non-profit association “Wie wär's mal mit”.

Since August 2021, the association can be found at the harbour at Uferstrasse 40 on the ground floor of the container tower. The space around the container tower is open to the public. An experimental, social cultural space is being created collaboratively around and in the container, where people can exchange ideas and help shape the place at the same time. The interior can be used for projects
and ideas via the Wie wär's mal mit association. We welcome mediation projects, readings, performances, talks, video, sound, light installations, music, workshops, but there is also space for special formats and ideas of all kinds. We look forward to great neighbours! Please enquire by email.
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